Best Vintage Lingerie: The Bed Jacket!
Anyone who knows me, knows about my love of vintage lingerie AND jackets. Combine the two and – WOW! I mean, c’mon! There really is no fashion rescue like a jacket – long, short, or even shorter. I love them in velvet, I love them in fur (faux fur, if you prefer), I love them in cord, tweed, cashmere, lace – even little puffy ones under certain circumstances.
The little jacket really says something about the wearer, amirite? Such as… “I am stylish” & “I am flirtatious.” Of course, it might also be saying “I am wearing the same t-shirt I slept in while I walk the dog,” but no one needs to know that. There’s the beauty in the concept. What I believe is that too many ladies have been overlooking the charm of the little jacket. In fact, I have lately gone on what can be described as a MISSION to enlighten the world to the true benefits of wearing them. Especially the vintage lingerie bed jacket.
Now, what exactly IS the bed jacket? A once useful garment, basically half a robe, designed for breakfast in bed.
True, not every decade has an iconic style that future generations will yearn for – I doubt anyone will want to relive the pandemic fashions: face masks, pajamas to the grocery story, wild uncut Covid hair, zoom meeting pajama pants, fogged up glasses, yoga pants everywhere – and did I mention pajamas?
Vintage lingerie hint: make sure you don’t smell like moth balls!
Paris, Unhooked Online
Also true, high quality vintage lingerie in mint condition is scarce, and you will discover – if you frequent vintage shows like “Manhattan Vintage” – it’s extremely expensive. I complained to my friend about the astronomical prices the vendors were charging (think upwards of $400 for a vintage slip) and she remarked “Well, they’re not making any more of it.” True that.
Actually, a lot of the buyers at the vintage shows are purchasing garments for tv and movie costuming and they’re shopping with appropriate budgets. So, you will see lot of primo garments snapped up on the opening day. However, if you wait until the show is closing, the last-minute prices are very negotiable – and you may get a great deal!
Love the Vintage Lingerie look but prefer brand new clothes? Not a problem!
Does the thought of wearing secondhand clothing make you think, “Ewww”? Then get the look with new stuff. Here are a few designer garments are vintage-y and totally fun. If you have a great pair of jeans, glam it up with the ruffled capelet or, if you want a more understated look, the Victorian style top is the perfect “getting dressed up for brunch” look. Or turn up the heat in the bedroom with one of these silky kimonos
More Vintage Lingerie Inspo!
This is where you flash back to your childhood dress up games in mom’s clothes – remember her fitted embroidered green Chinese robe with the mysterious froggy loop closures and her red nylon slip covered in black lace that you thought was the absolute height of sophistication? If you’re lucky, maybe you can still raid her closet and get away with a treasure trove of goodies. Mix and match to your heart’s content – just make sure you don’t smell like mothballs.