Going braless – something you expected on the beaches of Europe – has now landed in the urban jungle.
Out of the bedroom, and onto the streets…girls are going braless, and nipples are everywhere! Itty bitty, big & jiggly, bouncy up and down, swinging side to side, low slung, perky, pendulous – in short, every shape and size boob is free and roaming the New York streets.
Itty bitty, big & jiggly, bouncy up and down, swinging side to side, low slung, perky, pendulous – in short, every shape and size boob is free and roaming the New York streets. This appears to be the latest side effect of the pandemic. Apparently, 16 months of lockdown without strapping the girls down in a bra has resulted in widespread underwear rebellion. It has gone beyond the fairly commonplace practice of walking the dog in pajama pants and fluffy slippers.
Bra sales have sagged, if you will, because everywhere you look women have declared they’re not returning to the torture of being pushed up, buckled in, padded, synched, pinched, hoisted and cantilevered into the pre-pandemic bras fashions.
Basically, women are leaving the house half naked and free-boobing it to a startling degree.
Freedom of expression or exhibitionism? Or just complete loss of inhibition? Could it be that women have realized that it is just more comfortable leaving the cleavage in its natural position rather than buckling them in and hoisting them sky high.
Is it any wonder that the gaze of the innocent passerby is registering surprise, wonderment (and delight) at the sight of so many different shapes and sizes of breasts? It’s quite a development after 2 or 3 decades of foam filled Wonderbra’s standardizing the female silhouette into neatly packaged round spheres.
In the retail world, it’s not just the big wig bra companies who have reason to be concerned at the so-called “lowering the bar” of sartorial elegance by the general public. In the immortal words of Christian Dior: “Without proper foundations, there can be no fashion.” We’ll see how this trend affects bra sales long-term but expect a hard-core advertising attack from the big brands as they try to convince women to strap up the girls again. Back to the bra? Only time will tell.